Djarama is a humanist and innovative association created in 2005 by Patricia Gomis, accompanied by her family, artists and cultural actors
Within the partnership Djarama will help to ensure a significant representation of artists from different backgrounds to balance the vision of European practitioners with the character of an alternative point of view
Djarama is a humanist and innovative association created in 2005 by Patricia Gomis, accompanied by her family, artists and cultural actors. Its objective is to enable
children, especially the most disadvantaged, to have access to culture through various programmes.
At its host location, in the bush of Ndayane, the association seeks to build an alternative model of life with the local community. It applies the principles of agroecology, aims for food self-sufficiency, uses solar energy and promotes the development of each person through art, culture and formal education.
The Djaram’arts cultural center, art center for young people, houses:
– Dialaw School: an alternative preschool and primary school
– A 150-seat theater, place of dissemination, creation, artistic training
– a raised ground and an educational garden.
Djarama ag kureel la guy yëngatu
Ci luy jëmale kanam lëkkaloo dundu nit ñi, ci séen biir ak di tabb ay xalaat yu yees,
Ñi ngi ko sos ci atum 2005, ki ko sos mu ngi tuddu Patrcia Gomis, ànd ci ak ay mbokki Ma-pasin (artistes) walla ndaanaan ak lenn ci ay saa-mbatiit (Acteurs Culturel).
Nisëram (son objectif) mooy fexe ba ndaw ñi, manaam xale yi gën a doyadi mën a jot ci jumtukaayu mbatiit yi jaarale ko ci aw sémb (programmes).
foofe ci séenug dal ci biir àalu ndayaan bi, kuréel gi, mu ngi xool yan pexe lay lal ngir nit ña fa nekk, mën a am geneen xeetu dundin guy tax dootu ñu xaarati lenn ci kenn, ci lu jëm ci wallu dund, kàttanu jant bi, mbëj gi (énergie solaire) ak tamit yombalal kenn ku nekk mu am ag ubbéeku jaarale ko ci xarala (Art), ci mbatiit (Culture) ak ci yar
Ndéenneerug mbatiit (pôle culturel) bu Djarama, dalub xarala ngir ndaw ñi,
Am na : Daara Jalaaw : daara ngir tuut tànk yi ndaw-ndaw ñi ak tuut tànk yuy door a dal,
Am na ab géew, manaam (théâtre) bu mën a dalal 150 nit, di barabu xew-xew akitam barabu fentukaay ak lóofoonukaay (formation) ci wàllu xarala, am na suuf su yaa am ay garab yu bari ci biir ak ab tóokër (jardin) bu xale yi mën a jànge xam-xamu nji ak njëbat.
Djarama est une association humaniste et innovante créée en 2005 par Patricia Gomis, accompagnée de sa famille, d’artistes et d’acteurs culturels. Son objectif est de permettre aux
enfants, notamment les plus défavorisés, d’avoir accès à la culture, par le biais de différents programmes.
Sur son lieu d’accueil, dans la brousse de Ndayane, l’association cherche à construire un modèle de vie alternatif avec la communauté sur place. Elle applique les principes de l’agroécologie, vise l’autonomie alimentaire, utilise l’énergie solaire et favorise l’épanouissement de chaque personne à travers l’art, la culture et l’éducation formelle.
Le pôle culturel Djaram’arts, centre d’art pour la jeunesse, abrite :
– l’Ecole du Dialaw : une école préscolaire et primaire alternative
– Un théâtre de 150 places, lieu de diffusion, création, formation artistique
– un terrain arboré et un jardin pédagogique.
With his experience also due to the training programme YAAKAAR (“hope” in Wolof) for 20 young girls and boys from disadvantaged backgrounds (school dropouts, victims of violence, slight disabilities, etc.) in the Thiès region, Djarama will contribute to providing an example of empowerment for the younger generation. Within the partnership Djarama will help to ensure a significant representation of artists from different backgrounds to balance the vision of European practitioners with the character of an alternative point of view. In this sense, the presence of the Centre’s artists will be of great importance for the realisation of both artistic and scientific results.